
Teachers protest against parent threats

Teachers at the Miquel Porcel school demanding no more threats against teachers. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


Teachers at the Miquel Porcel primary school in Son Cladera, Palma yesterday staged a demonstration against threats made by parents. They were reacting in particular to an incident on Tuesday when the father of a seven-year-old boy went to the school and burst into the office of the director in search of his son's teacher.

When the teacher arrived, the man threatened him by saying that if his son is taken out of school, he (the teacher) will be put in a truck and dismembered.

The child, it is understood, has a long history of absenteeism, and the school had activated the normal procedure for dealing with this. It was this procedure which led to the incident.

The school's director, Monserrat Colell, explained that the teacher was greatly affected by what had happened and has asked to be put on leave.

There was a call for the government and the police to act more toughly. The Obrera Balear union issued a statement in support of teachers at the school and in particular pf the one who had been threatened. The union insisted that the education ministry acts in defending teachers.