
Clampdown on illegal children's parties in Bellver forest

The Sunday of the Angel is celebrated at Bellver Castle. | Archive


Palma police have been asked by the department for infrastructure to exert control over illegal parties that are held in Bellver forest and the Parc de la Mar.

In many parks in the city it is possible for members of the public to have parties. There does, however, need to be town hall authorisation. More often than not, there isn't any. The councillor for infrastructure, Rodrigo Romero, says that the situation is "tolerated" because generally speaking people respect the environment. But in Bellver forest the situation is different.

Parties, and these are mostly always children's parties, are illegal in the forest. Permission can be sought, but Romero points out that it is difficult to obtain. Since a plan for uses of the forest came into effect in 2016, there are very strict regulations.

Romero explains that these parties typically involve an "invasion" of areas that are supposed to be off-limits, a great deal of mess and a lot of noise that drives away the forest wildlife. The plan of uses for the forest is designed to stop its degradation. "It is Palma's most important 'green lung' and needs to be protected so that future generations can enjoy it."

The councillor adds that the town hall will be adopting tighter regulation of its own events at Bellver. One of these is the Day of the Angel (the Sunday after Easter). Others are sports events. There will be limitations on runners and cyclists.