Tourist tax

Tourist tax revenue for 2017 was 64.3 million euros

Finance minister Catalina Cladera: tourist revenue is "treasure". | Twitter


The provisional calculation of revenue from the 2017 tourist tax is 64.3 million euros. The final amount will not be known until individuals' tax declarations are made in the spring. These will include income from holiday rentals. For 2016, the amount for this was 2.2 million euros.

The revenue has increased by 57% from the 40.9 million euros collected for 2016, when the tax applied to only the second six months of the year. Tax payments had to be settled by the end of January, and they were made for a total of 5,988 different types of accommodation, including 295 cruise ships.

Almost three-quarters of the revenue (47.7 million euros) was raised in Majorca. This was for 3,886 establishments - hotels, hotel apartments, tourist apartments (of the registered, quasi-hotel variety), agrotourism and so on.

Tax revenue raised in 2016 and 2017 has gone towards 108 projects that are under way and which have been or are being funded wholly or partially by the revenue. Finance minister Catalina Cladera says that the "treasure" from the tax enables an improvement of the environment and investment in basic infrastructure that has an impact "on the welfare of residents and tourists".

The revenue for this year will of course increase because of a doubling of the rates between May and October.