Last year's debate in Calvia.


Over 2,000 people from across the globe are going to be participating in the Smart Island World Congress in Calvia on 23 and 24 April. The debates will discuss the issues of natural resources, sustainable tourism and smart, digital islands The strengthening of the relations between island territories to tackle questions of climate change, economic competition, technological innovation and tourism will be the main objectives of the second edition of the Smart Island World Congress (SIWC), the first world meeting about smart islands. The event is organized by Fira de Barcelona, with the support of the Balearic Government, the Council of Majorca and the Calvia Council. It is expected to bring together representatives of islands from around the world, 85 speakers and 25 exhibitors.
The congress programme revolves around three main themes: leadership of islands in the tourist business, the challenges facing islands in the future and the resources available to island territories.
There will be 15 conferences structured around these three areas.