Joan Carles Verd, the mayor of Sencelles and the president of Felib, and the president of the Council, Miquel Ensenyat, will today present the contents of the ordinance to an assembly of mayors. It comprises 36 articles to do with alcohol consumption and sets out a regime for fines, the highest being 100,000 euros. With this ordinance, town halls will have all means necessary to deal especially with underage drinking.
The most severe penalty - 10,000 to 100,000 euros - will be for the sale and supply of alcohol by anyone who doesn't have the necessary authorisation. There will be fines of up to 10,000 euros for the sale or supply of alcohol to minors and for establishments which sell alcohol outside permitted hours. At the low end of the fines regime, there can be penalties of up to 600 euros for drinking alcohol on the public way that constitutes a disturbance of the peace.
Fiesta night parties are one of the main targets for this ordinance, but it will clearly also apply to tourist areas. In order to obtain authorisation, sellers of alcohol at fiesta events will need to show that they have undertaken a course on the "responsible dispensing" of alcohol. These sellers will also have to make water available at "an acceptable price" and to clearly display their municipal authorisation document.
Verd says that individual town halls will decide whether or not they adopt the ordinance. They may wish to adapt it to their specific needs, and indeed many town halls already have specific bylaws. The Felib proposal provides, in general terms, tougher sanctions than town halls currently have.
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I belive bylaws are in place in Alcudia particularly around the magic roundabout area. I bet that there have been almost zero enforcements on street drinking and supply of liquor. Maybe the figures could be published to prove me wrong. I do have a phone number to contact now but this should be given to all residents and once agsin I ask for random sweeps - not main roads but side roads where I know botellons gave occurred.
Once again our precious politicians fail to address the problem by adding 'At the low end of the fines regime, there can be penalties of up to 600 euros for drinking alcohol on the public way that constitutes a disturbance of the peace.' Instead of saying 'No drinking in public places' they add 'that constitutes a disturbance of the peace'. Creating 'grey areas' is not the way to go. We need clear and concise laws that even a neanderthal can understand. Drink in your home, in a restaurant, in a bar, within the boundaries of a terrace but NOT on a public way. I am sure our friends at Podemos and Més will say it is denying human seems to be the pat answer nowadays.