Tourism minister Bel Busquets has announced today that the government is to fine TripAdvisor 300,000 euros for failing to comply with legislation on publicising holiday rental accommodation. In other words, there were adverts for properties that did not show the necessary licence registration number.
Busquets explained that TripAdvisor has been sent 25 screenshots of properties which were in breach of the legislation. "There were many more," she noted. "We have initiated the process of sanctioning them with the same amount as Airbnb, and we have notified them of the sanction." With regard to Airbnb, Busquets said that the government has received no submissions regarding the fine that was imposed last month. The deadline for a response is tomorrow.
Other websites, she added, have fallen into line with the legislation. "Our law is working because what they are doing is removing all offers that do not comply with the law."
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Frank, you pretty much nailed it. The Spanish are LOUD. But I always tell myself that they didn’t ask me to live here, and if It ever becomes a problem, I can leave!Carly, I’ve had a similar experience the last two years. I own an apt. in a building where there were two holiday rentals owned by Spanish people. There was regular shouting and swearing in the stairways and slamming of doors all night, especially at weekends. When I spoke to the owners of the apt’s., they just shrugged their shoulders. Yes, the island needs holiday rentals, but the other owners in the building also have to live and also should have a vote.
Noisy residents are the biggest problem here. The Spanish shout when they talk, and so many residents have dogs in apartments. They are there permenantly and cannit be denounced. Give me tourists any day, you can denounce them for noise or whatever, and you know they'll soon be leaving. Anyway they're not all like that. Give me tourists over bad resident neighbours anytime.
Hi Carly. What if they're the owners of the apartment ?
For all you people that want these rentals: Try living next door to them in the summer. Woken up when they decide to come in early hours of the morning, vomit on the landing,stairwell. They should not be allowed to rent in residential blocks. Home away are still advertising a apartment in the block I live in (own). It is fully booked up nearly every week until October. Not acceptable!!
The buzz word with property developers in the UK is now “Build To Rent” to the tourist and short term/contractor work in all cities.I wish Mallorca had this attitude. In the future less and less people will wish to stay in only hotel rooms. They will want their are apartments from studios to larger apartments, offering high standards and all mod cons.
It is feet on the ground knocking on doors that will eradicate illegal rentals,not debate in writing. No one wants renters to be hassked but they and the owners and Portals have a duty to ensure a property complies ti what us now law. Owners or most of them want to comply and obtain a licence but can'tIt may not be liked by owners but let each council apply a temporary declared tax until the owners can be asessed for a legal licence. Simply if the Portals accept a property without a licence they are fined, and they and any owner needs to understand it is not acceptable,but for goodness sake bring bodies in who can speed the process as tourism is the life blood of Mallorca.
@Louise2. Your comment begs the question : If you think it's such a goid idea to ban private rentals, why were you doing it before the new laws came out. Also you've confirmed what I said that the only reason that owners have not renewed is for fear of the fines, as you've also admitted. This means that your comments, along with the new laws, don't make sense.
@Louise. For your information. All that I've said regarding the fines being quashed is common knowledge and in the press. The €600,000 fines handed out in Tenerife were also thrown out. Homeaway have called me personally about renewing each of my listings I've had for years with them. I asked and they told me that they had a team calling to ask owners the reason that they hadn't renewed. OK ?
Whichever side of the divide you stand on this, the economic result to the island is the same: a massive reduction in the independent tourists who bring true wealth to local businesses who then spend-on to revitalise our local economy. What we now have instead is the cosy cartel of hoteliers and politicians who all do financially very nicely out of it. I hope Airbnb and Trip Adviser can take them to the cleaners in tbe courts, BUT I fear their grip on their shared wallets is far too tight.
Mallorca showing that they are operating with a backward mentality. The world has moved on. The holiday industry booking demand has changed. They are losing the independent traveller whom visits all the restaurants and coffee bars. These platforms are the new age. This has become a silly nonsense on this island. You are short of accommodation for residents because nothing has been built for the last 10 years, although population has increased due to the fact that Europe is out of recession and the island is doing well so tertiary industries need staff.