The Guardia Civil organised crime squad and Algaida-based criminal police launched another operation against drugs today (Wednesday). Some 200 officers, who included members of the security reserve group from the mainland, took part in Operation Luidar, which started at around 6.30am, involved twenty-nine raids on properties and lasted for most of the morning.
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A "Well done" from me too! Drugs bring people down and also ruin the lives of their family and friends. Addicts need compassion but dealers need eradicating.
Keep up the good work and drive these peddlers of death and misery of the Island.
Once again WELL DONE THE POLICIA AND GUARDIA , it is very frightening the serious damage that illegal drugs cause. These peddlers of death must be illuminated, to act as a deterrent to any others that could get involved.
Great policing!!