Holiday rentals

Muro seeking ban on apartment holiday rentals

Part of Playa de Muro by the Albufera canal. | J.M.A.


Under the Council of Majorca's holiday rentals zoning, there are no restrictions anywhere in Muro, either in the town itself or the resort of Playa de Muro. In other words, the Council zoning permits rentals in all types of property 365 days a year.

The town hall doesn't share the Council's classification. It only wants holiday rentals in houses and villas. Mayor Martí Fornés says that the town hall's governing board approved a request that the Council limits rentals by excluding apartments. Fornés explains that this is because of the difficulty of reconciling residential and tourist use in the same apartment block. "It is difficult for those who want peace to be able to live under the same roof as others who are on holiday."

The request by the town hall is likely to be granted. The Council of Majorca established the principle that modifications to zoning asked for by town halls could only be more restrictive and not less.

In Muro, which almost exclusively means Playa de Muro, there are getting on for 20,000 tourist accommodation places. Of these, some 2,700 are holiday rentals places; the rest are in hotels.