Mayor Joan Monjo says there will be an amendment of municipal bylaw to establish fines related to this system. Once the bylaw is introduced, owners will be obliged to register their dogs. The cost of doing so will be around twenty euros per dog. There will then be a tender for a company to undertake the work of analysing the DNA of faeces; the analyses will be checked against the database.
The mayor accepts that if it turns out that a dog isn't registered, the town hall will have to pay for the analysis. In cases where a dog is registered, the owner will be liable for this cost as well as for the fine.
Monjo stresses that the great majority of dog owners are responsible and remove dog mess. He hopes that the five per cent who don't pick the mess up will now do so. He adds that in the past few months the town hall has created four dog parks in Can Picafort.
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One gram of dog feces contains 23 million fecal bacteria. It is the #3 cause of water pollution and according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is as toxic to the environment as chemicals and oil spills. Dog feces are the most common carriers of Whipworms, Hookworms, Roundworms, Tapeworms, Parvo, Corona, Giardiasis, Salmonellosis, Cryptosporidiosis and Campylobacteriosis. I have stopped challenging owners who let their dogs relieve themselves and do not have any plastic bags because they become super aggressive. Usually more interested in texting while the dog does its business. Every day I see so many dogs on the beaches and I never, ever see anyone there to enforce the law and fine the owners. That's our problem here in Mallorca, we have all these laws but no one to penalise those who break them.
And urgently needed also in Port D' Andratx?
If the Mayor really believes that it is only 5% of people that don't pick up their dogs muck,he needs to get out a lot more.
The fines in UK Cities and Towns are £1000,00. The picture shows it is a large dog , whose Owner is totally irresponsible, and a disgrace to the race, of fellow human beings. The terrible disease that is transmitted to humans, from dog dirt, is frightening. Especially when found on Beaches !!!. I hope the DNA testing catches these disgraceful owners. Please apply a large fine to those caught.