Some one hundred people took part in the protest on Sunday to mark the arrival of the Symphony of the Seas cruise ship. The protest had been called by the 23-S Assembly of which environmentalists GOB are a main force. The ship was making its maiden cruise, and it will continue to operate throughout the season, starting from Barcelona and stopping over in Palma, Marseille, La Spezia, Civitavecchia (Rome) and Naples.
GOB spokesperson Margalida Ramis reiterated a complaint that consideration is not being given to the environmental impact and to the effect on Palma of tourist saturation, especially when there are between five and seven cruise ships on the same day: there was only the one on Sunday. Contamination from the ships affects air quality, while saturation challenges the capacity of resources and infrastructure. She insisted that there has to be an evaluation of more than just the economics of the tourism industry. There cannot be "submission to the blackmail that Majorca lives from tourism".
Rather than lives from, Majorca suffers because of tourism, Ramis continued. There has to be a right to decide on how the city's port is used and this needs to be from both a social and a territorial perspective. The president of GOB, Amadeu Corbera, highlighted the "increasingly obvious problem", which is why he urged the regional government to "debate the limits to and impact of this type of tourism".
We don't want "symbolic statements" from President Armengol about there being "a lot of tourism", Corbera added. "What does she intend doing about a critical situation? Is she going to act accordingly?"
The government, via its PSOE spokesperson Pilar Costa, had already said it respected the protest and that people should express their opinions. Josep Lluis Bauzá, spokesperson for the opposition Ciudadanos at Palma town hall, took a different view. He said today (Monday) that he could not understand "how a protest can be directed at a ship that brings people and entire families to visit the island".
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Get rid of all the non Mallorcans good. In winter better all year.
I understand why so many people are angered by the actions of these hate filled protesters, but please do not think they speak for Mallorca. I am fearful that this is not about ecology or over crowding and is more about the eradication of people who "dilute the language" - a quote from my children's teacher. The best way to stand up to these people is to come to Mallorca in even bigger numbers. The ordinary mallorquins, who are not obsessed with linguistic and cultural purity are kind warm inclusive people and we reject hatred totally. As a dual national with loyalties to several places in europe, I find this intolerance of difference horrifying. I also wonder why its Ok to welcome refugees whilst simultaneously showing intolerance and hate to tourists who are people too - I guess with nationalists and racists some people are more valuable than others!
Mallorca has a population in winter for just over 1 million, there is around 30 on that 'demo' so I really do think the DB and everyone is making a mountain out of a mole hill
I see one of the comments I referred to has been removed (thank you MDB) but the other using the word ‘filthy’ still remains.
Have to say, I agree with S.O. I really cant understand all of this negative attitude towards tourism, but there is absolutley no need to bring such racist comments into it. Mind you, without tourism, Mallorca would be in no position to help any refugees.
That minidemonstration had nothing to do with tourists, which they also declared. It was all about environmental pollution because these ships use large quantities of heavy fuel oil (Schweröl). According to Mallorca Zeitung one such ship use as much heavy fuel oil in 3 days as is used during a whole year by the airport PMI. If that is true there should be many more protests.
Is no-one moderating these comments? There are two below which I doubt meet the 'rules of use'. By all means criticise these protests as much as you want if you don't agree with them but to insult certain groups by calling them 'filth' is beyond the pale and decidedly racist.
All I can say to these idiots “ be careful what you wish for “ Or stick them all onto a plane to look at oxford street on a Saturday morning. In the UK we value the revenue that tourists bring. The problem is these young people have never experienced life without the tourist revenue. Perhaps in the near future they will.
Sad to see the peasant mentality coming out here. If the schools don't provide education for the real world you can't expect anything else.
Sad to see. If I was a visitor on that cruise I would NEVER visit Mallorca again.