Soller is worst hit by cycling trial
Rein Coertjens, who was the "winner" of the 312. | Jaume Cabrer / Mallorca 312
Palma29/04/2018 00:00
The Mallorca 312 cycle challenge has caused a great deal of frustration in recent years. The event embraces numerous municipalities - thirty this year - and requires road closures. The organisers have sought to improve the situation. There was plenty of advance warning, and the Guardia Civil say that yesterday's event provoked fewer traffic problems than previously.
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You should see some of the distribution caused around Newcastle when the Great North Run is on. But people don’t complain because we all know how important the event is to the area.
It´s all very well to talk if you are familiar with the area and have been through it before.
It may well have been frustrating for those caught up. But it was well advertised, and well in advance too. Not usual for here. This story has no reported evidence or corroboration. I'm increasingly disappointed with the quality of the journalism presented by the MDB. Lazy and poor stuff.
All the roads that were going to be closed had signs up at least a week in advance, the matrix signs on the motorway's were also warning people of closures.
Surely the Hotels in the Area should have prewarned Tourists of the potential delays , caused by the Cycling Tournament. Those who missed Flights, should have been warned, and left much earlier,to catch Flights, thereby avoiding the traffic jams.