The system is of course used in various countries. Consumers pay for bottles and are refunded when they are returned. In Germany, it is estimated that 98% of bottles using this process are recycled. Croatia introduced the system a couple of years ago, and it has been deemed a success. Meanwhile in the Balearics, the level of recycling is only some 17%. European directives have set a target of increasing this to 50% by 2020.
The Council's plan will include glass bottles, plastic bottles for water and other drinks, and beer and soft drinks cans. Sandra Espeja, the councillor for the environment, says that the system abides by the principle of who pollutes, pays. "If people don't return them, then they don't get a refund."
As well as supermarkets, there could be machines at petrol stations. The yellow rubbish containers in the streets would still be used for receptacles not included in the return system.
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This is the only system we have in my country. And will support it at Mallorca, giving away all my plasticbottles. So we will see, who will stand in line, tourist, children or maybe a new way of live for illegals. Wonder if any number of machines would be enough for Mallorca in summer would take thousands....
Will Tourists use the Plastic Bottle Return system ?. Possibly, if there are collection machines in prominent areas of every Urbanisation. Will Hotels and Bars/Shops etc. , use the facility ?.
Think of all the bars and restaurants whom use plastic which all goes in their general waste as there is no collection for the bars - they do it have physical time to go to the recycling bin. In Magaluf they collect bins for glass daily but not plastic. I guarantee millions of plastic bottles a day is going into general waste.
Barrs [of Irn Bru fame] only in the past couple of years have stopped selling bottles with a 10p refund on them. It was a great way for street sweepers and binmen to op up their income :-)
When I was a kid in the early 60's,we used to spend hours looking for "pop" bottles,it was a great source of income for chocolate bars and comics and it was good fun and got us out.