Yesterday morning, fourteen Palma police officers were involved in an operation in Playa de Palma. It was directed against a public drinking party (the so-called botellón), which is prohibited, and was within the framework of municipal ordinance to deal with issues such as noise from music equipment and taking glass bottles onto the beach.
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WHY do visiting Tourists from other Countries in Europe, think they can run riot and totally misbehave in another country. Do they think there are no rules ,or regulations in Mallorca, and they can do what they like. The World Cup starts this week, and drunken hooligans will be congregating in all the bars showing the matches. I hope the Policia, and Guardia deal immediately with these inebriated idiots, and put them on the first Aircraft back to their own Countries.
I don't know how many warnings they get, but they could be fined 1,500-3,000 euros according to MZ.
'Palma police have reported 512 people for this offence'...........................and what?
Good to see the Krauts giving us Brits a showing for the most detested holiday makers on the island award.
It's a start,now,let's hope that the politicians provide both the money and the political will to keep it up.