
75% travel discount expected this month

Yesterday’s meeting between the President of the Balearics and the Secretary of State for Development.


The Secretary of State for Development, Jose Luis Abalos, yesterday gave his assurances to the Presidents of the Balearics and the Canary Islands, Francisca Armengol and Fernando Clavijo, respectively, that the 75% travel discount for residents of the Canaries and the Balearics will be introduced this month.

In a joint press conference after a two hour meeting, Armengol, who tweeted the agreement straight after the meeting, said that the discounts, which will also apply to residents in the North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, will be approved by the cabinet on one of the remaining Fridays of this month, probably 13 July, which is next week. Clavijo said that once approved, it can be immediately introduced and will benefit some four million citizens.

Armengol said that after three years in power, Balearic politicians are now at the centre of policy making. “I am extremely proud of the progress we have made as a coalition government and am extremely pleased with the outcome of the meeting.”

Earlier last month, Madrid said the introduction of the 75 percent discount was at least six months away.

However the governments here and in the Canary Islands refused to accept that. At the moment 75% discounts are applicable on inter island flights but only 50 percent on flights to the mainland.