
Minister's resignation demanded because of emergencies report


The Partido Popular's spokesperson Marga Prohens has demanded the resignations of public administration minister Catalina Cladera and the director-general of emergencies, Pere Perelló.

Prohens has accused Cladera of having "prostituted" the word transparency with regard to the floods of 9 October and of having hidden the damning internal report sent to her by the emergency service a week before the floods.

The PP's spokesperson wants the resignation to be immediate. "Cladera cannot attend the parliamentary session next Tuesday as a minister." She should resign "out of decency and respect for the victims, because of her responsibilities and because she has lied".

The report, on account of its references to, among other things, "serious and unacceptable" deficiencies, was important. Prohens has compared it to being like "an airplane black box". She believes that is "suspicious" that the minister had not made it public and that this was left to the media.

Prohens has called on President Armengol to accept the consequences of the Balearics worst tragedy and has also accused the government of demeaning certain words - dialogue and responsibility.

The government's spokesperson, Pilar Costa, has responded to Prohens' demands by describing them as "opportunist". She has asked for "a bit of responsibility" in not trying to link the report to the consequences of the floods.

Costa stressed that the government has been aware of the need for improvements. The report, she argued, makes references to deficiencies that were the result of cutbacks by the previous government - the PP's.