
Summer maximum population has fallen


The maximum population in the Balearics this summer was on 7 August when there were 2,012,757 people. This was the peak "human pressure", but it was down compared with 2017, the first decrease for ten years.

The human pressure index produced by the Balearics Statistics Institute shows that the maximum in August was 47,769 lower than last year (on 9 August). In 2009, there was a decrease of 19,815; this was the first year that economic crisis had an impact.

The reasons for the decline are twofold - one is a Balearic government attempt to reduce "saturation" in the high season and divert tourists to the lower months; the other, and the more significant factor, is the recovery of competitor destinations.

To give an idea of how the maximum population of residents and temporary visitors has risen over time, since 2008 it has gone up by 212,494. Since 1998, the increase has been 563,425.