
Union slams plan to close Palma airport at night


The all powerful UGT General Workers’ Union yesterday strongly criticised Palma City’s Council’s idea to close Palma airport between the hours of 11pm and 6am in order to improve the quality of life for local residents and reduce Majorca’s carbon footprint.
In a strongly worded statement, the Balearic branch of the UGT underlined its staunch opposition to any such move.

The union has asked the council to provide an in-depth explanation for its reasons and also to provide evidence of whether or not the council has taken the necessary steps to ensure that noise and light contamination is being properly controlled, “despite that being the responsibility of the airport authority AENA”.

The union also wants to know if the council has carried out a proper study as to what social and environmental repercussions the airport is having by being operational 24 hours a day.

“We can’t afford to ignore the fact that Palma airport is the main source of income for Majorca and the Balearics as a whole, it is also the largest creator of jobs, directly and indirectly.

“This is not the kind of decision that should be taken lightly. Any such a move would have a catastrophic affect on Majorcan society and business,” the union said. The UGT advised the council to consult AENA as to whether the noise and pollution levels are being correctly controlled and, if not, then to ask the airport authority to take the necessary stapes to reduce environmental problems “in order to establish the correct balance between jobs and social well-being”.

“The airport is the driving force behind the local economy and if there are any failings then the body responsible for correcting them should be made to take the necessary action,” the union stressed.

The call for night-time closure was first made in 2017 but no action has been taken by the airport authority, AENA.