
Cut to Three Kings parade cost

There will be some new floats for the parade in January. | Pere Bota


The Three Kings parade in Palma on 5 January will cost the town hall 213,000 euros. The budget will be down by almost 15%, with much of it for installing over 3,000 metres of protective barriers as well as for police, fire service, ambulance and Civil Protection.

The kings will, as usual, arrive by boat at six in the evening. The traditional route will be followed - Antoni Maura to La Rambla, Paseo Mallorca and back to Plaça Joan Carles I. The kings will wave to the crowds at quarter to nine from the balconies of the Casal Solleric on the Born.

There will be thirteen floats, three of them new, plus nineteen troupes, three royal carriages and the kings' pages. The parade's artistic director, Daniel Puig, says that "we will be able to see enchanted forests, fairies, nymphs and fantastic creatures". During the parade, 7,350 kilos of sweets will be scattered.