Animal welfare

Animal-rights campaigner to run for Palma election

Guillermo Amengual, who is standing as an animal-rights campaigner. | Archive


Guillermo Amengual, the coordinator of the anti-bullfighting campaign Mallorca Sense Sang (Majorca Without Blood) and the spokesperson for AnimaNaturalis in the Balearics, will stand as candidate to be Palma's mayor on behalf of the political group Actúa, a founder of which was the celebrated former judge, Baltasar Garzón.

It should be stressed that this group has nothing whatsoever to do with Actúa-Vox, the right-wing party of Jorge Campos. The Garzón party adopted the name before and has attempted to get Actúa-Vox changed. Amengual is a one-time member of Més and has most recently been the coordinator for animal welfare matters with the Esquerra Unida (United Left).

He says that he will be an "animal-rights" candidate, while other priorities will be sorting out problems with waste collection, spills of faecal water and traffic. Anti-social behaviour will also be at the top of his agenda.

Amengual has been a constant critic of the current town hall administration and of a failure to provide adequate protection to horses that draw carriages during the season. He would create an office for animal protection and withdraw horse-drawn carriages and replace them with electric ones.