
Too drunk to get out of crashed car

Police on alcohol control duty. | Alejandro Sepulveda


A couple in their fifties had to be rescued by emergency services after their 4x4 vehicle was involved in a crash on Sunday morning.

At around half three, the car was travelling on the calle Fra Juniper Serra in Palma when, for reasons unknown (or which probably are), the driver lost control and collided with a parked car, which was shunted some metres. The vehicle turned on its side, and when police, ambulance and fire crew arrived, they found the couple inside.

They were not trapped so much as incapable of getting out because they were under the influence of alcohol. Once the fire crew had extricated him, the driver - who had trouble keeping his balance - was given a breath test. He was four times over the limit. They were both attended to by medics but didn't need to be taken to hospital.