
Manifesto against Vox and "messages of hate"

Unions are leading the opposition to Vox. | Joan Torres


The movement against Vox and what is perceived as the far-right, which was reported on a few weeks ago, is on the point of finalising a definitive manifesto in an attempt to prevent Actúa-Vox in the Balearics gaining representation at the May elections.

Led by unions such as the CCOO, it has the support or organisations like the Obra Cultural Balear. The movement intends to be a call in defence of democratic values and human decency. It plans to confront messages of "hate" being spread on social media and wants "progressive and democratic parties" to assume their responsibilities in defending human rights and the well-being of the majority.

Members of Més and Podemos are looking at the text of the manifesto; political parties are not involved directly in the movement. The text does not expressly refer to Vox, only to a generic "extreme right", and alludes to examples away from Spain, such as Matteo Salvini in Italy and Donald Trump, and to messages of hate.

The manifesto covers matters such as freedoms for migrants and the gay community, the Vox policy of doing away with regional governments, and hatred towards unions, ecologists and the fight against climate change, feminists and teachers.