
Palma pets limits bylaw is shelved

Party representatives in discussion at the town hall. | Mónica González


The proposed bylaw in Palma by which limits would be placed on the number of pets (dogs, cats and "similar") in apartments and houses has been shelved.

The announcement was made yesterday following a hasty meeting between spokespeople for the three ruling parties at the town hall. Podemos councillor Antonia Martin said that the matter will be left until after the municipal election.

Neus Truyol, the Més councillor for animal welfare, explained that Podemos had proposed that the measure should be withdrawn, as the party did not wish to support it. "Because it would not have been approved, we believe that it is better to withdraw it."

Opposition parties the Partido Popular and Ciudadanos agreed that it was preferable to leave the matter until the next administration is formed and to look to find consensus with associations and others who would be affected.

The bylaw envisaged a limit of three pets for an apartment and five for a house. When it was first mooted, a good deal of controversy arose. Neus Truyol did later explain that the measure was only intended under certain circumstances, e.g. residents' complaints.