
Cameras for detecting driver phone use

Cameras have been used to detect drivers without seatbelts. | Efe


At least two road cameras in Majorca have sophisticated kit to capture images of drivers using mobile phones. The cameras are on the Via Cintura in Palma and on the Inca motorway. Police sources suggest that there are more. They have previously been for detecting seatbelts not being worn but are now capable of monitoring phone use. The traffic directorate says that the aim is to reduce driver distraction, which causes a third of all road deaths in Spain.

All images captured by the cameras are sent on a daily basis to the centre for automated reports in Leon. Software analysis eliminates all drivers who have not committed any offence. Where possible infringements are detected, these are then further assessed by traffic directorate personnel.

If an infringement is confirmed, information is forwarded to the relevant traffic authority. In the Balearics that means Tráfico in Palma. The fining procedure is then followed and is backed up with photographic evidence. The sanction is 200 euros and a three-point deduction from the licence.