
Anti-terrorism pedestrian schemes for Alcudia

Vehicle access to the old town will be greatly restricted. | Archive


Five hundred thousand euros from the government's fund for tourist accommodation places are to be spent on security in Alcudia. The town hall will add 150,000 euros for schemes designed to give protection from terrorist attacks using vehicles and which are in accordance with national recommendations for tourism areas; Spain remains at Level 4 risk of terrorist attack.

More or less the whole of the old town will be covered by a project dubbed "island of pedestrians". The security measures have a dual purpose: one is protection, the other is to remove vehicles as much as possible. Cameras and registration plate readers will be installed, and access will be restricted to residents with garages in the old town, emergency vehicles and delivery vehicles between set times of the day.

In Puerto Alcudia, retractable posts are to be installed in certain streets - Barques, Hosteleria, Mariners and Torreta as well as Teodor Canet. which is the main road that passes the principal car park going towards the port.

Joan Gaspar Vallori, councillor for tourism and public works, says that it is too soon to say when these schemes will be operable, but he anticipates that work will be carried out during the autumn and winter of 2020-2021. Before it can go ahead, there need to be assessments and reports from other authorities, such as the Council of Majorca and its heritage commission.

Vallori adds that the scheme for the old town will also preserve heritage in what was in any event the first old centre in Majorca to be given official protection for its historical characteristics. The projects are also in line with Alcudia's commitment to accessibility, exemplified by the town hall's 'Alcudia for all' campaign, which guarantees access for people with reduced mobility.