
Bunyola needs a new square because of cyclists

The square in Bunyola.


The sheer number of cyclists who stop in Bunyola has led the town hall to look for other spaces that can be used by residents.

The main square in Bunyola can, at certain times of the day, fill up with around 300 cyclists, though this number can occasionally be much higher. The problem is most acute at weekends, when children would typically be using the square for games.

Bunyola is popular with cyclists because it is on the route between Palma and Soller. The cyclists stop for refreshment and something to eat. Councillor Miquel Pasqual says that this is good news for bars and supermarkets but that there have been numerous complaints from residents. They can't find any space in the square.

The town hall is therefore looking at new public areas and at buildings, one of which is Can Gual. It was bought by the town hall a few years ago, and the idea is to now turn it into a multifunctional centre. The Council of Majorca has given the go-ahead for development that would create a large public area plus medical and day centres and eighty car parking spaces.

The car park which is currently near to the railway station could in future become a new square, but this would depend on approval under the town hall's revised general urban plan.