
Police warning about drunk and drugged-up passengers

Police at the airport. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


José María Manso, a chief inspector with the National Police and president of the SPP police union, has issued a warning regarding the increasing number of airport incidents involving tourists who are drunk or on drugs.

He says that the current situation at Son Sant Joan Airport is "very serious" and has implications for air safety. Manso stresses that it is not acceptable for personnel to be subjected to poor behaviour, insults, threats and physical assault on a daily basis. For airline stewardesses and flight attendants, Palma is now "high risk". Many suffer from anxiety as a consequence. For Manso, it is intolerable that airports should be centres for the sale and consumption of alcohol.

The police representative explains that there is a failure of legislation. Solutions should exist at the time when passengers are going on to planes. Pilots and crews can prohibit those who are under the influence, but many are pressurised into allowing these passengers on and looking the other way.

Manso adds that it has become normal to see tourists sniffing cocaine from planes' fold-down tables and for drunk tourists to act in an intimidating manner. At Son Sant Joan, ten incidents per day are registered on average.