
Six luxury homes for Fornalutx

Work going on in Fornalutx. | Lluc Garcia


Earthmoving work for the construction of six houses in Fornalutx has caused some surprise to residents of and visitors to this village, the only one in Majorca which is in the network of 'Los pueblos más bonitos de España'.

Well known for the care taken to preserve its look, work of this type is bound to arouse some suspicion. The town hall says that the necessary permissions for the six houses have been given by it and the Council of Majorca, which has particular responsibility for the preservation of heritage.

The municipal architect, Carlos Arbós, explains that the developers have been required to reduce the amount of land to be used and the size of the buildings. The project will be in accordance with Fornalutx style. The town hall adds that it has no competence for determining the market to which these homes are aimed, but from prices being quoted it is clear that they are at the luxury end: from 1.1 million to 1.6 million euros.

The plots are 2,500 square metres and the houses 380 square metres, excluding the terrace area. Land for building in Fornalutx is scarce, and this project is one of the most significant for many years.