Animal welfare

Animal rights associations demand that the bullfight is prevented

The bullring in Palma. | p.lozano


Thirty members of the Assaib animal rights association gathered in front of Palma town hall on Monday and demanded that this Friday's bullfight be called off.

A spokesperson, Luis Miguel Pérez, explained that the association wants to put pressure on the town hall and relevant government ministries so that they prevent the bullfight. He added that, among other things, the lack of a surgical facility at the Coliseo Balear was enough to represent non-compliance with Balearic legislation.

Another group, AnimaNaturalis, argues that the scheduled bullfight will be in breach of legislative requirements for structural alterations to arenas, anti-doping procedures for the bulls and the participants, and restrictions on attendance by minors. There is also a prohibition on the use of cameras and videos.

AnimaNaturalis suggest that there appears to be a lack of clarity as to which authorities should have responsibility for inspecting irregularities and taking action. They add that the bullfight's promoters wouldn't allow town hall technicians to make a "regular inspection" until the last minute - last Wednesday.

The association says that this was "clear contravention" of the legislation. An article makes clear that the impeding or obstructing of inspection is a "very serious infraction". Because of this, Anima Naturalis expects the town hall to take immediate action.

The legislative terms being referred to are ones that were not annulled by the Constitutional Court.