
Griff, it's not the Nine O´clock News but you will be in the Bulletin!

Griff Rhys Jones catching up with local news during his stay on the island.


Well we are not the nine o´clock news but we do have our followers!!!

Griffith Rhys Jones, the British actor and comedian, was suitably impressed by our coverage of his participation in the classic sailing regatta at the Club de Mar aboard his yacht, the Argyll.

He even took a photograph of our story and placed it on his instragam site.

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Take note. The English language press go apeshit. #mallorca #regatta #sailing #notices #racing #yachting

Una publicación compartida de Griff Rhys Jones (@griffrhysjones) el

Thanks Griff and thanks for the interview which will appear in Sunday´s newspaper.

Happy sailing!!