
Rubbish collection problems in Raiguer region municipalities

Rubbish accumulating at the Punt Verd in Alaró. | Redacción


Town halls in the Raiguer "mancomunitat" have been receiving numerous complaints about rubbish collection.

The three most affected municipalities have been Alaro, Buger and Selva from the grouping which also includes - for the purposes of rubbish collection - Binissalem, Campanet, Consell, Lloseta, Mancor de la Vall and Santa Maria. A mancomunitat is such a grouping for sharing certain services.

The president of this mancomunitat is the mayor of Consell, Andreu Isern. He says that there have been real problems in some municipalities and that the company responsible has been invited to give explanations regarding delays to collections. "We know that a truck broke down, but there have been more instances of delays and we hope that (the company) can give us information."

Isern adds that the company has also had issues with worker absence but that these have not been for holidays, sickness or accidents. "The summer season hasn't got anything to do with it. Everything was planned for the summer so that there wouldn't be this chaos."

The mancomunitat president explains that he has spoken with the company's general manager and that there will shortly be a meeting of mayors. They could decide to fine the company. Meanwhile, the situation is being monitored on a daily basis.

Alaro's mayor, Llorenç Perelló, has been to the fore in wanting answers to the problems, which were particularly acute during this month's Sant Roc fiestas but have existed since June.

The town hall has had its own meeting with the company at which improvements were promised. "But we have yet to see the results."

As well as rubbish going uncollected, the green point in Alaro, Perelló adds, has been "overflowing" since July because of a breakdown in the system for emptying containers.