
Another small increase in Balearics unemployment

Unemployment in August in the Balearics increased by 0.55% compared with the same month last year. | teresa ayuga


Unemployment in August in the Balearics increased by 0.55% compared with the same month last year and by 3.56% compared with July. There were 214 more unemployed than in August 2018 and 1,336 more than in July: the total was 38,841.

Of these unemployed, 7,157 were foreigners (almost 3,000 from EU countries). The increases in foreign unemployment were 213 compared with 2018 and 118 with July.

There were 3,463 people unemployed who were aged 25 or younger. The sector with the heaviest unemployment was services with 27,757. This was a rise of 677 over July.

There were 39,040 new job contracts. These were over 20,000 fewer than in July and 1,576 fewer than in August 2018.

As is typical, the vast majority of contracts were temporary - 32,624. The 6,416 permanent contracts represented increases of 11.1% compared with last year and 28.23% with July. Temporary contracts, in percentage terms, were down significantly compared with July - by 35.73%. They were 2.84% down in inter-annual terms.

National unemployment in August was 3,065,804, the lowest for August over the past ten years. Nevertheless, there was a 54,317 increase, which was the second highest since 2010, when the rise was 61,083.

Of some other regions of Spain, August unemployment rose 13,093 in Valencia, 12,588 in Catalonia and 7,199 in Madrid.

In July, unemployment in the Balearics had risen 262 compared with July 2018 and 1,133 compared with June.