Planning regulations

Town hall considering regulation of Palma rooftop pools

A bid to reduce the nuisance that pools sometimes create for neighbours. | M. À. Cañellas


Palma town hall is considering regulation of swimming pools in interior courtyards and on roofs of townhouses. This will be to reduce the impact on the city's landscape and the nuisance that pools sometimes create for neighbours.

Àngels Fermoselle of the Arca heritage association raised the matter on Tuesday with the urban planning department.

There have been a number of requests for pools in traditional parts of the city, such as El Molinar and Son Espanyolet. Fermoselle says that the historical uses of these neighbourhoods are being modified and that these alterations disturb the "equilibrium" between residents.

In addition, when pools are installed on rooftops, as has been occurring in the historic centre of Palma, they lead to an "aesthetic transformation".

Arca wants the town hall to tackle the problem and has asked the planning department what it intends doing about it.

Neus Truyol, councillor for urban planning, says that there is concern at the "proliferation" of requests for pools.

In many instances, she notes, they have "a significant impact on the urban landscape" and can mean a change in use. This upsets residents, and so therefore the town hall will be looking at "reducing this dynamic and creating barriers that maintain the character (of neighbourhoods) and coexistence".

As yet the town hall administration hasn't given any indication as to how it might regulate the installation of pools.

The Partido Popular have nevertheless voiced their opposition to a "generalised" ban. Any limitation on pools, the party argues, should be within the context of a new general urban plan for Palma and not be a "specific modification" to the existing plan.