
Previous cases at restaurant at the centre of foodborne outbreak

The restaurant remains closed and faces two fines of up to 25,000 euros. | L. BECERRA


The Dragon Sushi restaurant in Palma, which was at the centre of the recent foodborne disease outbreak, had received a warning from the health ministry in June.

On that occasion, there was evidence of three people having become ill after eating at the restaurant; all three were found to have salmonella poisoning.

Food safety inspectors went to the restaurant in June and found a number of deficiencies.

These didn't lead to the restaurant's closure. The owners were given a warning and instructed to remedy the deficiencies.

Ten days later, the inspectors returned and were satisfied that the issues had been addressed. Sanctioning procedures were initiated against the restaurant. These have yet to be brought to a conclusion. The maximum fine is 5,000 euros.

There are now 94 people who have been affected by the recent outbreak. The number confirmed with having had salmonella poisoning has risen to 26.

The source of the outbreak is still being investigated. When the three cases arose in June, it was apparently not possible to find the source of the poisoning.

The restaurant, which remains closed, faces a second fine of up to 20,000 euros.