
Sant Llorenç bridges need modifying to prevent torrent floods

A bridge in Sant Llorenç. | J.SOCIES


A study by the University of the Balearic Islands on behalf of Sant Llorenç town hall has concluded that there need to be modifications to three bridges in the urban part of Sant Llorenç.

The bridges had already been identified as having probably contributed to last October's disastrous flood. Miquel Grimalt from the university, who has headed the study, now confirms that the bridges need to be less thick. In other words, there needs to be more space for water to flow in the torrent. The depth of the actual structures was a factor in the flood, the so-called "torrentada".

The mayor of Sant Llorenc, Mateu Puigròs, says that the bridges' beams and concrete create a "wall" of more than one metre. He is also looking for modification to the roundabout on the main road in Son Carrió. If the torrent bursts in the way that it did last October, the mayor notes, the roundabout is "like a swimming pool". The town hall would like the height of the roundabout to be changed, while common sense, he suggests, would be to create more holes in the road bridge for water to pass through.