
A Bahamas honeymoon for Nadal?

Rafa with his bride to be Xisca. | EFE


Rafael Nadal and Maria Francisca Perelló are enjoying a few days in the Bahamas, where they could be planning their honeymoon. They are being accompanied by a close friend of Nadal's, Tomeu Salvà, and his girlfriend.

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The wedding at Sa Fortalesa in Pollensa is now less than a month off. The ceremony will be conducted by Tomeu Català, the president of the Projecte Home charity and the Puigpunyent parish priest. The catering will be organised by Maca de Castro.

The honeymoon could be timed so that Nadal is able to compete in the Paris Masters, which starts on the 28th of next month, nine days after the wedding. If this is too soon, then he will certainly be competing at the ATP World Tour Finals in London in November.