
The number of cars is Balearics main environmental concern

The number of vehicles in the Balearics, according to Balearics Statistics Institute figures for 2018, is 1,030,478 - almost one vehicle for every person living on the islands. | ALEJANDRO SEPULVEDA


A survey of the public's environmental concerns carried out by the Balearics Institute for Social Studies ranks "massification" of cars as the greatest problem.

Too many cars on the roads were judged to be a prime concern by 48.4% of respondents, some way ahead of "massification of people because of tourism" (35.6%). The number of vehicles in the Balearics, according to Balearics Statistics Institute figures for 2018, is 1,030,478 - almost one vehicle for every person living on the islands. In 2008, the figure was 893,627.

Of other concerns, 32.3% ranked the wasting of water; 31.4% identified uncleanliness on the streets, including dog mess; 29.9% highlighted traffic jams, 27.6% a deterioration in the condition of beaches and 27% climate change.