
Majorca joins forces with international cruise ship control body

There can be up to 6 cruise ships in the port of Palma in a single day. Archive photo. | G. ALOMAR


The issue of large cruise ships off-loading thousands of passengers in Majorca is an issue that's been debated for months in Palma and it seems other ports in the Mediterranean are just as fed up of it as we are.

Representatives from the port authorities in Venice, Cannes, Dubrovnik, Marseille, Malaga, Bergen, Amsterdam and Palma have joined “Cruise 2030 Call For Action” to try to find a way for the cruise industry to be compatible with the demands of cities.

The President of the Balearic Port Authority, Joan Juan and the General Director of Tourism, Rosana Morilla told delegates at the summit in Venice that shipping companies must start send smaller cruise ships to European ports.

"We want to design a common platform that seeks growth of cruises under sustainability criteria,” they said. “The shipping companies have to understand that operating in the Mediterranean is not the same as operating in the Caribbean.

During the summer months there are often 6 cruise ships in Palma Port in one day, flooding the city with approximately 20,000 extra people and with bigger ships being launched almost ever year, the amount of cruise ship passengers is increasing all the time, putting a massive strain on resources in the ports and cities that they visit.

The port representatives who've joined the "Cruise 2030 Call For Action” want to work with the shipping companies to create a business model that’s compatible with the demands of each port.

Members of the group are planning to draft a declaration to collectively approve and adopt as a working document to negotiate with the shipping companies which will be presented at the next summit of port authorities, which will take place in January 2020 in Palma.