Industrial action

Inca municipal workers to strike during Dijous Bo

Dijous Bo in Inca, a major event in the Majorcan calendar. | Facebook Dijous Bo


Municipal services workers in Inca have announced an indefinite strike from midnight on the twelfth of November. Majorca's biggest fair, Dijous Bo ("Good Thursday"), is on the fourteenth and is preceded on the Wednesday night by the parties for Dimecres Bo.

The strike would affect rubbish collection and street cleaning. On behalf of the employees, the CCOO union states that the strike has been called because of lack of progress in negotiations regarding employment conditions, an aspect of which is health and safety. The union says that workers' rainwear, safety shoes and helmets are all inadequate.

Inca's mayor, Virgilio Moreno, points out that this is a labour dispute between the contractor and its employees. The workers, the mayor adds, have a legitimate right to strike. The town hall can't intervene directly but has called for there to be further talks between the two sides. Moreno stresses that these are "essential services" and is hopeful that the contractor will resolve the dispute "satisfactorily".