Partly cloudy today with highs of 17º and lows of 6º.
There is a good chance of rain or hail and some storms this afternoon and evening.
Snow is possible at 1200 metres and above.
Humidity is at 65% with a moderate westerly/northwesterly breeze. Gusts of up to 100kph can be expected in the mountains later this afternoon.
See the weather across the island on our webcams.
Maximum Temperatures (Registered today)
Sant Antoni de Portmany......... 17.7 degrees Centigrade
Capdepera............................... 17.6 degrees Centigrade
Ibiza ........................................ 17.4 degrees Centigrade
Son Servera............................. 17.3 degrees Centigrade
Ibiza, airport............................. 17.1 degrees Centigrade
Minimum Temperatures
Sierra de Alfabia, Bunyola.......... 3.4 degrees Centigrade
Escorca, Son Torrella ................ 3.8 degrees Centigrade
Escorca, Lluc............................. 5.6 degrees Centigrade
Campos, Can Sion..................... 7.1 degrees Centigrade
Son Servera............................... 7.5 degrees Centigrade
Wind Speed (km/h)
Sierra de Alfabia, Bunyola................................ 50 (km/h)
Capdepera........................................................ 39 (km/h)
Banyalbufar...................................................... 39 (km/h)
Ibiza, airport...................................................... 38 (km/h)
La Mola, Mahon................................................ 37 (km/h)
Gusts (km/h)
Sierra de Alfabia, Bunyola................................ 80 (km/h)
Ibiza, airport...................................................... 59 (km/h)
Capdepera........................................................ 58 (km/h)
Banyalbufar...................................................... 58 (km/h)
Minorca, airport................................................ 54 (km/h)
Rain (litres per square metre)
Banyalbufar................................................................. 7.8
Escorca, Lluc.............................................................. 6.1
Escorca, Son Torrella ................................................ 5.8
Sierra de Alfabia, Bunyola.......................................... 5.7
Palma, university........................................................ 4.8
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