
Palm tree that caused fatality was healthy

The palm tree fell on a day of strong wind in Palma and caused the death of a Brazilian woman. | Pere Bota


A report by technicians at the environment ministry's plant health laboratory has concluded that the palm tree which fell in Palma, Majorca earlier this month, killing a Brazilian woman, was perfectly healthy. Analyses found no evidence of disease or infection.

The ministry's findings support the initial conclusion drawn by the National Police. Their report to the courts had suggested that the tree was healthy and that high winds had caused it to snap. It had in fact been subject to a routine municipal inspection some five weeks before and was not found to have any disease.

The incident occurred around midday on November 3 in the Dalt Murada area by the Cathedral. The woman's seven-year-old daughter suffered mild injuries as well. Palma town hall social services have taken charge of repatriating the body and of organising the girl's return to Brazil.