
The French retailer, FNAC opens its first store in the Balearic Islands

The FNAC store in Palma, Majorca. | miquel a. cañellas¶


The new 2-storey FNAC shop is in the old Mutua de Seguros building in Calle Sant Miguel in Palma, Majorca has more than 4 million products on its shelves, including books, cds, dvds, electronics and accessories and will stage live activities throughout the year.

Membership of FNAC costs 9 euros a year or 15 for two and the first 2,000 people to sign up will get their card for free which entitles them to 5% discount on all purchases.

The official opening will take place on Monday, November 25 at 6pm and the cartoonist and illustrator Bartolomé Seguí, singer, Bruno Sotos and the OR group will be there to get the party started.