
Plaça Major shopping area could become a car park

The underground shops at Plaça Major, Palma, Majorca. | ARCHIVO


The administration in Palma has started to discuss proposals made for the future use of the shopping area under Plaça Major. At a meeting yesterday, PSOE made clear that their preference is to do away with all the units completely and to convert the area into additional car parking. This would be an extension to the underground car park that is next to it and which recently returned to direct town hall management.

It is reckoned that this would create one hundred more parking spaces, although there would still be an issue with regard to units that are privately owned. Most of the units were rented out by the town hall.

Més have advocated a mixed use of the units for commercial and cultural purposes. Podemos tend to agree but may accept there being some parking spaces. A decision needs to be made by the end of the year.

One of the associations which presented proposals, the Canamunt residents, argued in favour of the units being used for fair trade and the collaborative economy and as spaces for social and creative activities, including a children's science and technology centre.