
The best G&T in Spain is here in Majorca

Leonel Montoya, bar manager at the Hotel Fontanellas in Playa de Palma, becomes the Gin & Tonic champion of 2019. | P. BERGAS


Venezuelan, Leonel Montoya, who’s now resident in Majorca, has just been named National Gin & Tonic Champion 2019 according to the Federation of Associations of Spanish Barmen, or FABE.

Leonel Montoya, National Gin & Tonic Champion 2019

In the National Flairtending Championship 2019 Team Event, the Canary Islands came first, Castilla La Mancha took second place and the Balearic Islands third.

The Federation of Associations of Spanish Barmen has been running since 1964 and is made up of 20 regional or provincial professional associations.