
Dress up and Dance in Palma this weekend

BIM Navidad takes place on Sunday 15 December at 6.30pm on the Borne. | Youtube: marita torres2- Mallorca


Don’t miss BIM Navidad, which is back this Sunday and kicks off on the Passeig del Born in Palma at 6.30pm.

More than a thousand people dress up as Santa to take part in this popular event, which takes place every year and is open to everyone.

The dance is organised by Line Dance Balear, Palma City Council and the Federation of Veïnats de sa Ciutat and features dancers from all over the island.

They’ll be onstage strutting their stuff for about two hours, so if you’d like to join in the fun, don’t forget to wear your dancing shoes, there will be plenty of people on hand to teach you the steps.

Around 50 monitors will be on duty to collect clothing and non-perishable food for the Creu Roja Balears, or Red Cross and they’ll be in fancy dress too, but what they are wearing will be kept secret until Sunday.