
Council restores Dennis Oppenheim's 'Device root out evil' sculpture

Dennis Oppenheim at a 2003 exhibition of his works at the Sa Nostra cultural centre, Palma. Archive photo. | JOAN TORRES


Palma City Council of Palma has restored Dennis Oppenheim's work 'Device root out evil in Plaza de la Porta de Santa Catalina.

The American artist, sculptor and photographer was a pioneer of the ‘Land Art’ movement and his upside down church outside Es Baluard is a copy of the original which he created for the Venice Biennale Art Exhibition in 1997.

In May this year a restoration company was commissioned to restore the sculpture which had become, dirty and damaged and some parts had fallen off.

Device root out evil sculpture outside Es Baluard museumDennis Oppenheim's Device Root Out Evil sculpture before the restoration.

Mitra Restaura started by cleaned the entire piece, then began the difficult work of restoring all of the pieces that were damaged and replacing the missing parts.

`Device root out evil' fully restoredThe fully restored sculpture.

Yesterday, the Deputy Mayor of Culture & Social Welfare, Antoni Noguera, General Coordinator of culture, Francesca Niell, and General Director of Cultural Promotion & Dissemination, Marcos Augusto, went to Plaza de la Porta de Santa Catalina to see the finished project in all its glory.