
Winter solstice lights up the rose window of Palma cathedral

The winter solstice sun in alignment with the rose window. | miquel a. cañellas


Hundreds of people got up super-early this morning to witness the winter solstice at 5.19am.

People waiting at Es Baluard

At dawn the sun comes in through the eastern window of Palma Cathedral and out through the western window making it look like the building is lit from inside.

People waiting at Es Baluard

It’s an amazing sight and this year a whole bunch of people gathered on the terraces of Es Baluard to watch it happen.

The winter solstice sun in alignment with the rose window

The solstice happens at the same time all over the world and whereas south of the equator, the December solstice marks the beginning of summer, here it marks the offical start to Winter and the longest night of the year.