
3 boats of illegal immigrants arrive in Balearics

One of the boats that arrived yesterday | Redacción Local


21 illegal immigrants were arrested in the early hours of Thursday morning after 3 boats arrived in the Balearic Islands, two in Majorca and one in Formentera.

The first vessel was detected by the Integrated Outdoor Surveillance System, or SIVE, at one o'clock in the morning near Cabrera and intercepted by the Provincial Maritime Service of the Civil Guard. There were 10 men onboard.

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Another immigrant who crossed the Mediterranean in a second boat and came ashore Cala Pi has also been arrested. The Guardia Civil has launched a search and rescue mission to find the rest of the people who were onboard.

A third vessel was located on the beach of Can Marí, in Formentera, and the ten people onboard were arrested.