
Palma set for a digital promotion revolution

Images that reflect a 365-day Palma, in Casal Solleric, Palma. | JULIAN AGUIRRE


Palma City Council is going to carry out a digital transformation this year, through the Palma 365 Tourism Foundation.

“There will be a total and absolute redesign of the digital strategy of the city of Palma, putting it on the same level as cities such as London, Paris or New York,” said Pedro Homar. The project will be put out to public tender with a budget of almost 100,000 euros and the specifications are already available in the Consistory. This contract will last three years and is expected to begin in October.

The winning company must redesign the website, “so that hotels can be booked, tickets can be bought for planes or ships and tourist products can be bought, said Homar.

“We want a total relaunch of the tourist website, which will be the main focus of this new digital strategy.” Homar also said there will be online campaigns to publicise the website and an active listening strategy “to find out what is said about us on social networks or online and which keywords identify Palma as a destination etc.”

The head of the Foundation announced that once the company or the winning joint venture is decided, there will be a big event.

“At the end of November we will hold an international event, with content generators and people who work in audiovisual environments, social networks, etc., as part of our new promotional strategy.” said Homar.

“The exact place is still to be determined, but it will probably be at the Convention Centre in Palma”. Homar also said “it was impossible to do this type of promotion before, basically because the money was not available, but funding has been obtained through the Consortium of the Tourist Accommodation Exchange.”