
Evolution! Mallorca International Film Festival at indie film festivals

The director of the Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival (EMIFF), Sandra Seeling Lipski, during the presentation of the seventh edition of the Palma independent film festival, which will showcase 26 productions, 13 of them premieres in Spain, signed by some of the most representative directors of the audiovisual industry in the Balearic Islands. | EFE


The Evolution! Mallorca Interntcional Film Festival (EMIFF) has taken part in events at two of the world’s most important festivals for “indie” cinema: Sundance, founded by Robert Redford in 1978, and Slamdance, which was created by filmmakers Dan Mirvish and Peter Baxter in 1995.

Last Saturday, the founder and director of EMIFF, Sandra Lipski, presented the event ‘Meet the Film Festivals’.

This brought together 25 international festivals and more than 1,000 filmmakers from across the globe, who were able to get to know about the main locations that Majorca and the other Balearic Islands offer for filming.

Last Tuesday, Sandra Lipski took part in a ‘Film Festival Strategy’ roundtable at which she explained that filmmakers can design a personalised strategy for projects and choose the festivals which are most appropriate for presenting their works.

The ninth Evolution! Mallorca International Film Festival will be held later this year.

Participation at these other events increases the visibility of the festival which has gone from strength to strength since it began and is now considered one of the most important festivals in Europe attrcating leading producers, directors and actors to the island.