
Minister to explain tourism of excesses decree in London

Iago Negueruela speaking with Francina Armengol in parliament on Tuesday. | Miquel A. Cañellas


Balearics tourism minister Iago Negueruela will be holding face-to-face talks in London on Wednesday in explaining the government's tourism of excesses decree.

There is to be a meeting with the Foreign Office and there will also be a roundtable discussion involving tour operators and the media. Those attending will include representatives from Abta, Tui, easyJet, British Airways, Jet2, The Guardian, The Sun, The Mirror and travel/tourism publications.

The aims of all this, as explained in parliament on Tuesday, will be to explain the decree's content and to clear up any questions arising from its application. Negueruela told parliament that after passing the decree, the government had drawn up a communications plan for explaining it. Another aspect of this communication was a meeting in Palma on Tuesday with the German ambassador in Spain, Wolfgang Dold.

Negueruela will be accompanied by the government's director general for tourism, Rosana Morillo. The meeting at the Foreign Office will, among others, involve the head of operations, Paul Bute, and the British Consul for the Balearics, Lloyd Milen.

On a separate matter, cruise ships, the minister said in parliament that the government "will be arriving at an agreement" with cruise ship operators on limiting the "accumulation of ships"; in other words, limiting the number of ships that there are at given times.

Negueruela was responding to the Partido Popular's Salomé Cabrera, who had demanded that the government display greater "transparency" with regard to plans for cruise ship limits. She believed that cruise tourism was not a sector to be "played about with" at a time when the economy is shrinking and unemployment is growing.

Establishing limits for cruise ships, the minister pointed out, had been an electoral promise of the three parties of the government pact. By arriving at a consensus with cruise operators, he insisted, there will not be any "danger" for the sector.